You will need the services of the "Za Pokupkami!" Delivery service if...

    Why do you need a delivery service for ordering FMCG online?

    Despite the seeming simplicity of the question , for some people the benefits of using a delivery service are not so obvious. Say, something, let alone go for groceries, there is always time, and besides, "our people do not go to the bakery by taxi."

    Please note that, unlike ordering via the Internet, for example, goods from electronics stores (such orders are not often made and mainly in order to save money or purchase rare goods), ordering everyday goods (food, household chemicals, household goods, personal hygiene products, etc.) are often in demand for other, purely everyday reasons - saving time, effort and / or getting rid of some of the routine, regular actions (constant shopping, standing in lines, etc).

    But situations when you may need our services are not at all limited to this simple definition.

    Therefore, here we will give a short list of cases when the services of the delivery service "For shopping!" may be extremely necessary for you...


    Household matters.
    To help the hostess and the owner

    As you know, shopping (mainly for groceries) takes up a significant part of the hostess's time. And often this process sooner or later turns into a routine, monotonous activity.

    Or this "honorable" task is assigned to husbands, children, grandparents, who are also not always delighted with such tasks. Moreover, the orders of the hostess are not always executed correctly and unquestioningly, which can sometimes upset her.

    Are you also familiar with this situation? ..

    Now you have a great opportunity to get rid of the above-described routine and inconveniences at once, and at the same time improve the quality of some household tasks.

    First, you no longer have to go shopping all the time.

    And secondly, you completely retain control over the buying process. After all, our system allows you to record any of your wishes regarding the entire purchase. You can indicate your preferences and wishes for a specific order and for each of its products, as well as indicate a list of your requirements and preferences in a special section of your account on the website of the delivery service "For Shopping!"


    Delivery to the office.
    We save your working and... "after working" time!

    Do not waste valuable work time or breaks - we will deliver the products to you at your place of work:

    • for lunch (lunch)
    • for organizing a buffet table
    • for a corporate party or a feast

    By the way, often, when you plan to organize a corporate party or a feast, it is quite difficult to please the tastes and opinions of all colleagues present, and even more so when you need to decide in absentia what products and / or alcohol to buy. And even when everything has already been decided, it remains a question of what the "messengers" going to the store will actually buy.

    Now, in absentia, there is no need to decide anything and no need to guess - you can choose specific products and place an order right at your desk, while conferring with colleagues along the way.

    So, we not only save your time, but also get rid of uncertainties and disagreements!


    To help parents.
    When there is not enough time even for sleep...

    Who, if not parents, especially young mothers, know what a lack of time is?

    Taking care of a small child who needs constant care and attention takes mom 24 hours a day and even more! But you still need to keep up and do the housework, and go shopping (including shopping for food and baby food). And, unfortunately, help from loved ones is not always available or timely...

    But not only young mothers feel an acute shortage of time. Working parents are also familiar with this problem. It is very difficult to keep up with work, do household chores, and even go shopping, stand in lines...

    In each of these cases, ordering goods through the "For Shopping!" Delivery service becomes a life-saving solution.

    And we will be happy to save you from at least part of your household chores - shopping.


    Unexpected guests?
    Now this is not a problem either!

    A completely typical situation: guests come to you, and there is nothing to serve on the table, and even in the refrigerator - even a ball to roll...

    What to do?

    Replace the feast with a cultural program? Or running to the store, leaving the guests alone?

    Stop! No sacrifices needed! You don't need to run anywhere and you don't need to leave the guests alone! 

    Order delivery of all the necessary products through the "Shopping!" Delivery service.

    By the way, you can also choose ready-made meals or semi-finished products that can be quickly prepared and served.


    Too bad
    or too... good weather

    When the weather outside the window is bad - slush, rain, frost or, conversely, a terrible heat - no one wants to leave the house or office for groceries...

    And you have to go!

    No, now you don't have to go to the store! 

    We will take on all the hardships of shopping in bad weather. We will endure rains, frosts or unreal heat and will deliver food to you in any weather!

    Please contact us even when the weather, on the contrary, is so wonderful that you want to walk and not do household chores.

    After all, we work so that you can relax! :)


    Are you unwell?
    We will take care of the shopping trips!

    When health problems with you or your loved ones, all other worries recede into the background.

    But "war is war, and dinner is on schedule." And the patient needs to eat well.

    So, in this case, there is no way to get rid of grocery shopping.

    Rather, before it was impossible to get rid of... And now the best way out for you is to order groceries and other goods directly to your home through the "For Shopping!"

    So, get treatment, improve the patient's health, and we will go shopping!



    An interesting film or TV show...
    Does your wife push you to the store?
    We are your salvation!